

Oct 21, 2013


What's the one thing you're not willing to give up? The one thing you know you'd be lost without? The thing you'd be terrified to lose.

If you call yourself a follower of Christ, remaining in your comfort zone eventually becomes sinful. If God is stirring in your heart, don't resist. 

If God is putting you in a season of winter in your life, a season of death or rebuilding, don't run to Florida! Running back to your comfort zone may not be as demanding or difficult, but it also will never get you anywhere. You will never grow. You'll still go to heaven, you'll still live a fine life, but you will never fulfill your purpose, never be blessed beyond belief, never serve your Lord. 

It's ok to lean in to God, you won't be deserted like you are with the people on Earth. The more we lean on God, the clearer His words are. The more purpose we find in ourselves. The more work we get done for the kingdom of God. 

For me, purpose defines life. What's the point of being here if it's not to do something? I believe my full potential is there for me to live out, but I have to get up & figure it out first.

God's love is the strongest, purest, most convicting thing I have ever and will ever experience. 

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