

Oct 16, 2013


What do we imitate?
Things that inspire us?
People we love?
Things that make us laugh?

Do you think it's possible to consciously choose who exactly you want to be, or are we constantly influenced by our surroundings?

I have cases for both.
When you have no goal, you aren't aware of the things around you that are changing your future.
When you have a goal, you notice every single detail that could potentially derail you, and a determined person purposely avoids those things.

Generally people imitate for acceptance. Why? Why do we need other humans to approve of us? Why do we need assurance, respect, and a pat on the back from them? How does this lead to freedom? If anything, I think this pushes us away from freedom.

I've been walking my entire life living for the acceptance of other people.
Dressing for compliments, working hard for a pat on the back.
Why isn't it enough? I'm chasing something that's always going to be out of reach. Even the people with everything can't figure it out.

I want to be an imitator of God and nothing else. Because when I imitate God, I'm not doing it for credit. I'm doing it for a purpose. My purpose.

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