

Dec 5, 2012

a little update before i hide under a rock until finals are done.

it's cold here!!

im pretty bad at decorating for christmas.
or maybe im pretty bad at having enough money to buy pretty decorations.

this happened & i don't know how....
i tried responding and it told me i couldnt. the aliens are probably after me.


i saw the sunrise today. it was satisfying.
i promptly went back to sleep.

i became a pro snowflake maker!
this happened about 5 am last saturday night. sunday morning.

hope all is well in your little world today,
posts will resume after December 14th. 
happy studying.

Nov 11, 2012

want to see what my life is like?

oops did you say no?

sorry ive been away so long. 
here's a few weird things that have happened:
1. I DID A NO CARB DIET. it sucked. i will probably never do it again. but... yeah.
2. i finished midterms. what? yeah.
3. i visited carolyn in chicago! twice! #whoa.
4. my time at epic came to a close. sad. very sad.
5. i became very ambitious and am applying at a new school! it has a 7% acceptance rate. i might die just thinking about it actually. lets move on.
6. MY VERY GOOD FRIEND, STACEY, IS NOW HAPPILY MARRIED! she had a beautiful wedding and she looked beautiful and the whole experience was just real beautiful.
7. i went home and washed my dog.
8. RUSS CAME HOME! hi, russ. he showed me Dr. Horrible. you should probably watch it right........ now.
9. i almost lit on fire in my chemistry (lab? no. it was the) discussion. you can thank electrical engineering for that one.

thank you and good night!

Oct 13, 2012

weekends at college

This is my & my roommate, Caroline.
Happy debut on my blog, my love!
THIS is a very hilarious picture from the internet.
it has no intellectual or rational value whatsoever.
therefore: pure hilarity.
and THIS is caroline re-inacting:
freakishly similar, i know.
My sister came and stayed with us on Friday night, too!
twas her 15th birthday : )

enjoy the weekend!

Oct 9, 2012


are you in need of a little inspiration this week?
i know i was.
i was finding that listening to my worship music made me REALLY not want to study,
so i bought this album on iTunes ($7.99, not too terrible)
and it seems to be just what i needed! :)
happy tuesday!
wait... it's seriously only tuesday...?
oh gosh.

Sep 19, 2012

first college exam... check


this is me really excited that my first chem exam is over!
sorry for my awkward face.

Sep 10, 2012


so, this past weekend, I went home to see Cami off to the airport early Sunday morning.
(she's in Israel! Until December. Which is way too long by the way)

anyway, while I was home I realized I had forgotten a few things about it.

1. The water pressure in the shower doubles as a massage. & I love it.
2. I don't have to use all my might to open the bathroom door! The knob works like a charm (unlike the one here... many bathroom lock-in scares. especially for my roommate!).
3. I don't have to ask to turn off the lights!
4. I can visit Jesse at work when I want to.
5. There's no good place to do homework (hence the visiting jesse's starbucks).
6. There's a lot of food to eat.
7. I CAN TAKE NAPS!!!! whoa.
8. I have more shoes than I remember.
9. There's a dog that loves me.

Sep 7, 2012

life update.

So, College has engulfed me. what did you expect?

I do homework.
a lot.
i miss carolyn.
a lot.
the church bells ring.
a lot.

Aug 28, 2012

I'm alive!

so just in case you were nervous about that, 
i survived my first 2 days of classes!
First day: i had all 5 classes, got all 5 syllabi, which means i saw a flash view of the entire semester.
let me tell you, it was overwhelming & very stressful. 
most of my classes are 10 times bigger than the ones i had in high school
so it seemed like i'd never meet anyone/feel totally alone.
but never fear, my second day was much better!
I had my first engineering discussion session, where i met some other aspiring
engineers/did not feel totally alone.
here's a few things that have happened since my frantic list of 17:
1. I set up my printer! see?
2. I made a friend all by myself! (you know you are not the typical social butterfly when you start conversations with "oh i can help you set up your school email on your smartphone! Here's the domain...server...etc.")
3. MY BFF CAME TO VISIT ME! here she is.
4. Carolyn appropriately decorated my desk/laptop:
5. I watched the sun rise!
6. JESSE VISITED ME!!! as you can see i was a little pumped. and he stayed with me all day :) :) :)
7. i went to the lakefront with him!!
8. I took a college selfie in the dorm! (actually i took a few. shhh)
9. I successfully locked myself out of my dorm & my lovely roommate came & saved me. She rocks. That was bound to happen, I'm glad it's out of the way & I can get on with my life.
10. I bought engineering paper! yes, there is such a thing.
11. I wrote a paper for my english class basically saying how much i hate english. I know what you're thinking. already jules? yes, i just did that.

So i'm surviving here, successfully staying up later than my roommates & being annoying with the lights on. ah well, tis the college life.


Aug 23, 2012

17 facts about my college life you probably don't want to know but i will tell you anyway.

1. i live on the 8th floor. there is always a line for the elevator. so i climb (family, don't be alarmed if my thighs have grown by the time you see me next).
2. my bed is in the corner of the dorm, outlooking two windows creating a nice panorama of Milwaukee. i get the breezes. i get the city sounds. i really like it. see? I'm here right now!
3. i live right in the middle of campus so i can walk anywhere without it being a total hassle. also- they serve good food. +1 marquette.
4. today i went to walgreens & spent just under $100.
5. i really like this new laptop.
6. i already text jesse telling him i miss him like crazy & have already told my mom everything that has happened.
7. i forgot some of the most essential things including: hangers (honestly i did not know i would have room to hang things... when i found this out i was very pleased... except that all the things i need to hang are currently in a big pile waiting for hangers & will most likely need to be ironed), my printer, my water bottle (so i bought a 12 pack of coke zero at walgreens to hold me over. jesse- I'm not ready to do that whole giving up soda thing yet), my planner, shorts, ibuprofen (sorry but thats essential. don't worry i bought a bottle of 1000 at walgreens. also they didn't check to make sure I'm 18. i am 18... do you have to be 18? i don't know.), ... I'm sure there's more. Maggie had a list. We left the house without my laptop yesterday which was pretty funny but i figured that out before we were out of my neighborhood.
8. i don't have my books yet.
9. Whenever i think about how hard my schedule is i just want to eat food & not think about it. (great start, hey?)
10. so far bugs don't like traveling up 8 stories either which kind of rocks since i hate bugs.
11. people here are really interested to know each other & be best friends which weirds me out sometimes. but sometimes its kind of fun.
12. i have cool roommates.
13. i realized last night I'm on my own now & will probably never live at home again for longer than a summer. this made me a little sad.
14. i know i already talked about food, but there are 4 (i think) marquette cafeterias (one of which is all italian food... i die) & approximately 8 billion other places to eat that are so satisfyingly close i can't even contain my joy. or maybe i can....
15. i condone visitors.
16. people at marquette REALLY like marquette.
17. i want to venture on the bus system but i am scared to go alone. however i desperately need to find a goodwill & purchase some dorm decorations. if you follow me on instagram (juliacullinan) you have learned that the room is very white.

hope you are all having a lovely day.


Aug 22, 2012


so i am now officially a college student...
with this amazing view of the beautiful Milwaukee...
enrolled at Marquette University.

classes start on monday, 
and until then- awkward orientation meetings!
ice breakers that do more harm than good!
and settling into my new home.

some funny things that happened today:
1. sooooooo do you have any...siblings?
2. *girls from the floor go to dinner*
*everyone gets salad*
3. *walk into dorm*
oh hey..!
hey! hi! hey! hey! hey! hi! whats your name?
who are all these people?!


special shout out to all the staff that helped on move-in day. you were exceptionally friendly & welcoming.
another shout out to my family & boyfriend for calming me down & sending me off!
L O V E Y O U ! 

Aug 16, 2012

get tan/stay white.

tan line!! 

& i am still extraordinarily white.
i have learned to accept it.
