

Aug 28, 2012

I'm alive!

so just in case you were nervous about that, 
i survived my first 2 days of classes!
First day: i had all 5 classes, got all 5 syllabi, which means i saw a flash view of the entire semester.
let me tell you, it was overwhelming & very stressful. 
most of my classes are 10 times bigger than the ones i had in high school
so it seemed like i'd never meet anyone/feel totally alone.
but never fear, my second day was much better!
I had my first engineering discussion session, where i met some other aspiring
engineers/did not feel totally alone.
here's a few things that have happened since my frantic list of 17:
1. I set up my printer! see?
2. I made a friend all by myself! (you know you are not the typical social butterfly when you start conversations with "oh i can help you set up your school email on your smartphone! Here's the domain...server...etc.")
3. MY BFF CAME TO VISIT ME! here she is.
4. Carolyn appropriately decorated my desk/laptop:
5. I watched the sun rise!
6. JESSE VISITED ME!!! as you can see i was a little pumped. and he stayed with me all day :) :) :)
7. i went to the lakefront with him!!
8. I took a college selfie in the dorm! (actually i took a few. shhh)
9. I successfully locked myself out of my dorm & my lovely roommate came & saved me. She rocks. That was bound to happen, I'm glad it's out of the way & I can get on with my life.
10. I bought engineering paper! yes, there is such a thing.
11. I wrote a paper for my english class basically saying how much i hate english. I know what you're thinking. already jules? yes, i just did that.

So i'm surviving here, successfully staying up later than my roommates & being annoying with the lights on. ah well, tis the college life.


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