

Oct 25, 2011

the ipod story 2

Now it's extraordinarily random photo time in the picture book.

this was in my psychology book. i thought it was hilarious!

on sunday my small group & i had our FIRST hang out day at my house!
it was a great turn out except.. i was the only girl.
below is our trip to picknsave while stocking up for the packer game.
da boys go to picknsave.
don't worry later i made lauren come over so i wasnt as much of a minority : )
best part: she walks in with her packer get up & goes,
"oh... no one is wearing packer clothes... i thought this was a packer party.."
then kyle put a bag on his head & we all yelled at him...

later lauren & i went to starbucks & she pulled this out of her backpack & told
me she accidentally stole it from art class last year. we don't know what to do with it. priceless.
ps see how weird it looks outside the window? yeah there was a HUGE thunderstorm & we didnt 
have jackets.
this is a picture from sunday morning in roots
when pastor conor was talking. the whole time his baby audrey, previously mentioned here, just
stared at him in awe. it melted my heart. mary & conor you are blessed! 
my life as an aide.
i grade papers & hang out. its the life!
so yesterday, i went to yo mama's with stacey... 
(visit her blog, its da bomb)
and we were having a grand old time until...

that happened.
it was the saddest/funniest part of my day.
who does that?
this is what i saw when i walked into work today!
i feel like there should have been a sign saying
"have at it jules"
or "good luck"
i was stressed.
(ps if this is an illegal picture please dont sue me.)
good thing i was wearing my happy shoes.

anyways i hope your week is going well!
this weekend is YOUTH CONVENTION!
possibly the greatest weekend of the entire year.

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