

Oct 11, 2011

studying is better with friends

im serious. when i study alone i go crazy.
yes, i get more done but still crazy. 
this week i got to do homework with johanna!!
i LOVE her & she is such a great friend.
we'd work & be quiet & randomly have heart to hearts in between. she's so great.
her BIRTHDAY is coming up! pumped!
then our good pal lindsay showed up & worked for a while with us.
Lindsay is such a sweetheart. clearly i took some quality creeper shots
of them doing homework.
good thing they love me!!....?
this guy was a champ.

finger mustache.
i love spending time with these two lovely ladies. especially at starbucks.
starbucks is my favorite always!
well... besides mary of course.
enjoy your beautiful october week :)


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