

Oct 14, 2011

a week in october

this week my friend jennifer (pictured below) introduced me to 
something that changed my life.
haha.. but really there's a little frozen yogurt shop
in a little village in a suburb of Milwaukee.
& it is called yo mama.
& it is the greatest! 
i chose orange sherbet & jennifer stayed classy with... cake batter? im not sure.
all i know is i loaded on the fruit & it was so good!
i luh her.
we sat on the bench. we talked. we talked some more.
we got stared at by a creepy, half-haired crossing guard.
multiple times.
but it was still fun because i haven't seen this girl in so long &
oh here's a crappy ipod picture of her cool new apartment! 
this is jesse pretending to like doing his homework:
check out that lady in the background.
as some of you may know, tomorrow is sweetest day:)
i received this lovely candygram from my sister during study hall today:)
isn't she sweet!
tomorrow is a BIG DAY!
remember last month when i told you jesse is taking me on a surprise date?
well tomorrow is the day!
then sunday his family is taking me to the packer game.
have a lovely weekend everyone!


j u l i a

quote of the day: "make like frankenstein & bolt"

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