

Feb 29, 2012

truth be told

do i have a treat for you today!
i have a friend abby from school..
who also has a blog..

i'll agree i have a great friend group going.
(honestly i love her blog. so great. makes me think!)

anyway abby doubles as my coworker & wrote a great post about 
life as a "dressing room attendant."

enjoy : )


ps happy leap day!

Feb 26, 2012

iphone story 9

can you tell i've become obsessed with instagram?
possibly the greatest iphone app out there.
out to coffee with jesse
cheesecake factory for valentine's
staring contest with pepper
antique shopping by myself ($5 vintage purse.. oh yeah)
gluten-free baking for my good friend
intense studying of greek mythology


Feb 24, 2012

blogger app!

Today marks an exciting moment for my blog! I found the blogger app in the app store which means.. I can update my blog whenever the heck I want!! Right now I'm at alterra coffee with the lovely carolyn!
It's very snowy & wet & yucky outside so we decided to make a day of it. We had free lunch (yeah yeah honor roll perks!) & now we're shopping.

Happy weekend!!

Feb 20, 2012

iphone story 8

this week i learned that:
 contains peanut.
 never knew.
also my boyfriend & my dog are finally close. my life = complete.
 sometimes when jesse & i go to applebees we make the receipt into a scroll
& use forks to read it.
ok so it was one time. 

here is my hot friend jennifer. sorry men, she's taken.
 you may mourn now.
here i am taunting pepper with my chocolate covered strawberries from jesse.

here is a jelly belly in the shape of a tangent graph.

my sister is selling bags like these to support our students going on 
the missions trip to Costa Rica. They are handmade right in my home.
She is so skilled i can hardly stand it.
anyway they are $20 & every cent of that money goes directly to 
the students' trip to help them fundraise. 
Let me know if you'd like to donate!

have a lovely week!

Feb 15, 2012

valentine's ♥

happy valentines day everyone!
this year is my second year with jesse ♥ as my valentine!
it was a little bit of a downer finding out we both had closing shifts pretty much all week long,
so on my day off on monday i decided to visit him & bring him something to celebrate.
but what?
 i bought these pans a few days before (aren't they cute!?) 
& the noodles below.
what would be sweeter than a heart shaped meal? : )

i was on a bit of a time crunch however, so i had to make four different things at once.

maggie jumped on board to help, thank God!
couldn't have finished without her!

i finished with shell pasta lasagna, salad with strawberry poppyseed dressing, a strawberry muffin,
& an oversized rice krispy treat!
all the while i had this furry face staring at me waiting for me to drop something
(strawberries are his favorite!)
when everything was baked & cooled i drove out to meet jesse on his 
10 minute break which was WAY too short : (
he liked the food!!
i stayed a little while, sipped coffee & worked on some psychology notes.
I left after they closed, & made it home around 10:30. 
Around 11 my doorbell rang & who was standing there holding THESE?
they are SO delicious!

: ) 
hope you all had a lovely holiday!

Feb 11, 2012

pumpkin muffins with pepper

 pepper looooves helping!
aka getting in the way..

also made a gluten free loaf for Jennifer... 
i hope it tastes ok!


Feb 10, 2012

mini photoshoot with maggie

Ever wonder?

Ever wonder how Jesse & I met? Well you can read our love story here along with many other adorable stories (including Mary & conor's! We love them!!). Stacey did a valentines day series on love and the success of it from people around her. I thought it was cute & creative, Make sure you check it out ASAP!
While you're on the web, take a look at our youth group's blog here where we dig deep into the world. Some of the posts are written by the students & this one is from me! :)

Feb 5, 2012

iPHONE story 7

hello again!
some sweet things have been happening in my life but most importantly..
i got an IPHONE!!
say so long to the ipod i once used devoutly,
& say hello to my new best friend:

here's an update on the one & only..

he rocks as a guard dog.

check out this man of GOD!!

on tuesday jesse & i went to a little coffee shop to get some homework done,
but while walking to get there we kept finding this huge ice chunks..
there was no snow on the ground or anything else...
but when he jumped on them they shattered like this!! 

i think this one is from monday. when i get this desperate on mondays..
its a sign of a long week.

jesse working on his homework at toppers whilst i enjoy 
my favorite zebra mocha : )


 this is a picture i just found of my mom & i from our family
trip to the east coast 2 summers ago.
i believe we were in NYC here.

have a great week!