

Nov 26, 2011

thank God for...

1. time with family. i loved this thanksgiving because i did absolutely nothing with the people i love. that felt good. below is one of these people:

2. pre-thanksgiving letter writing.
3. math meets at MSOE with my favorite nerds.
"more snacks please"

4. taking weird pictures of myself in the bathroom at work and sending it to all my friends (aka 3 people haha)
attractive..... ..
8. Cute couples i see at starbucks who just crack jokes the entire time & can't stop laughing. love it.
5. pre-black friday shopping with caitlin & jesse
clearly they were excited.
6. Black friday shopping with caitlin & jesse.
why we chose best buy i will never be certain.
7. thanksgiving parties with friends from the greatest place on earth
caiti : )
9. Chili's Chips & Queso
10. old photos from freshman year.


Nov 23, 2011

owl city

as part of the lovely maggie's birthday present i took her to see Owl City!


i thought it was fun & we had a good time. : )


this is how i wish all my mornings were.
: )
only one awake
sipping tazo tea
waiting for my hair to dry


Nov 18, 2011

catching up on what matters

nothing largely significant has happened in my life lately, 
just many little things.
i like it this way. : )

first, carolyn had an apple the size of her head at lunch this week 
(actually, multiple times this week).

then we had a baking party...
we made cookies for lauren's birthday!

props to carolyn, this was all her idea.

above are two of my favorite epic girls,
talor & courtney. 
they're so energetic & they always have a story for me, i love it!

talor wearing my glasses!

next on the list was a jean shopping date with mary & audrey.
this was audrey's face when she saw me.
i'm not sure why but i kinda love it.
and her.
the end.

so cute : )

i finished off this crazy week with a dinner date!
my friend jennifer always makes me laugh.
we reminisced about all of our old inside jokes from when we were both in 
high school together and had a great time eating STIR CRAZY!


have a warm weekend everybody.
it's officially mitten season. : )

j u l i a

also i got my dad this beard hat. 
it rocks.
he loves it.
this picture looks nothing like him.

Nov 14, 2011


this weekend i babysat for mary & conor's kiddies.
: )
how can you not just DIE when you see that face?!

L & i made a sweet fort out of many blankets & had a glowstick party
(we even taped some inside. so great)


we also had a light saber fight..
i found blow up light sabers at target & it was a must!

the night included hide & go seek, candy, oreos, obviously glowsticks & more glowsticks, 
grapes, rugrats, and disney channel.


Nov 11, 2011

lady etiquette quotes

1. "Learn the difference between attention & affection"

2. "It's probably not nearly as big of a deal as you are making it out to be."

3. "intelligence is sexy, don't play stupid."

4. "money can't buy happiness, but it can buy marshmallows, which are pretty much the same thing."

5. "How he treats his mother is a pretty good indicator of how he will treat you."

6. "being hard to forget > playing hard to get"

7. "if he is dumb enough to walk away, be smart enough to let him go"

8."a girl should be two things: classy & fabulous"

Nov 10, 2011

ipod story 3

jesse's band concert!

carolyn is my favorite. so entertaining.


audrey is always the perfect way to end my blog. 
you can thank mary for capturing this moment. : )


Nov 9, 2011