

Nov 18, 2011

catching up on what matters

nothing largely significant has happened in my life lately, 
just many little things.
i like it this way. : )

first, carolyn had an apple the size of her head at lunch this week 
(actually, multiple times this week).

then we had a baking party...
we made cookies for lauren's birthday!

props to carolyn, this was all her idea.

above are two of my favorite epic girls,
talor & courtney. 
they're so energetic & they always have a story for me, i love it!

talor wearing my glasses!

next on the list was a jean shopping date with mary & audrey.
this was audrey's face when she saw me.
i'm not sure why but i kinda love it.
and her.
the end.

so cute : )

i finished off this crazy week with a dinner date!
my friend jennifer always makes me laugh.
we reminisced about all of our old inside jokes from when we were both in 
high school together and had a great time eating STIR CRAZY!


have a warm weekend everybody.
it's officially mitten season. : )

j u l i a

also i got my dad this beard hat. 
it rocks.
he loves it.
this picture looks nothing like him.

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