

Dec 31, 2011

winter break at it's finest

senior year winter break has been a hit!
below is my lovely friend jennifer,
who realized that the table at caribou doubles as a checkerboard..
(something i would have never noticed)
& when she did we promptly played for probably an hour.

jesse & i had a movie night since i had never seen the first
Sherlock Holmes
(maybe i'll just come out & say i slept through it the first time)
anyway what's a movie night without gobs of candy?
jesse tried being a ninja but it failed & he lost half of his sprees.

it was a good one!
(i liked the second one better though, i mean, no sliced pigs...)

then i raced jesse out to alterra before they closed.
he had never been there!
 gotta love the coffee art.
here's a cutie shot of maggie on christmas when we all went to visit jesse at work.
(ew who works on christmas...)
^this is when carolyn & i went ice skating!
kinda felt like a loser because she's fabulous at skating but oh well : )


p.s. this post definitely contains all three local coffee shops. addicted?

Dec 30, 2011

jesse & julia's christmas celebration

So this year, Jesse & i planned a day of things to do along with gifts
so that we'd have something to look forward to after christmas.
Our day was jam-packed with fun!
we started off with bingo!
we went with his mom & mom's friend beth,
who so generously treated us. 
I haven't seen her in ages so she says it was a birthday gift.
i think she was just being nice. : )
here are some pictures that went along with that:

jesse's favorite camera face...?

After that we had burgers with his mom & beth, & raced to catch the "jingle bus"
 advertised jingle bus: a fun bus that is supposed to take you around milwaukee & show you all the 
pretty christmas lights.
reality jingle bus: a weird bus that takes you around and shows you 3 sets of lights, &
for the rest of the 40 minutes shows you all the restaurants & bars, & tells you 
some of milwaukee's history.

my perspective of the tour:

jesse's perspective of the tour:
(ok not really) ; )

i did manage to get a few good pictures though!

jesse's award-winning shot of the night:

then he gave me these!!!

ah!!! i love them!!! & him!
 then we went ice skating...
i had to drag him at first but then he got the hang of it : )

after that we went out to get some pizza shuttle
where jesse managed to get lost,
fail at parallel parking, 
scrape another car,
& almost go the wrong way down a one way street.
oh well! at least the pizza was tasty.
 what a great day it was!

merry christmas!

Dec 26, 2011

christmas time!

Christmas might be my favorite time of year.
& that's a recent decision because i usually can't make up my mind, 
because i really like all times of the year.
(except summer... too hot!)
this christmas we only had a couple people over (like usual actually)
& it ended up being really fun.

some of my favorite gifts were...
the boots on the left are the ones i've been waaaaiting for! i love them!
the dress on the right is from the ever so lovely carolyn duff. she knows me so well!
next, from my two sisters, i got this really cute dress & my favorite shampoo!
thank you so much!!
then from my friend russ...
pretty much made my life (oh & there was a 4th bag but i kinda ate it).
below are two gifts from jesse's mom. 
(ok, you caught me, the purse isn't real, but who really cares. not this girl)
yeah so this gift was for maggie, but i love it so much i had to include it.
it's soooo sweet!!

hope you all had a very merry christmas :)


first one!

Dec 22, 2011

other holiday festivities

seeing as how Christmas is in less than a week, 
my family decided to finally buy a tree.
we had some bad experiences with pre-cut trees last year (see below)
so we cut our own down this year.

 the decision between this one & the one we got was rather difficult.

go! dad! go! go! dad!

the grand march to purchase the fresh-cut beauty.

 which a day later FELL OVER without anyone touching it.

today was also the last day of school so it's officially

candy cane lane

on monday, jesse took me to see candy cane lane!
we tried walking and made it in a small circle & promptly started driving around.

 ^my favorite house....

"i always knew reindeer didn't pull santa's sleigh..."

of course we finished with krispy kreme i mean what else would we do....?


Dec 18, 2011

so one time

so one time i was on stumble upon way too late at night...
 & i found this sweet website.

& i fell in love.

Dec 17, 2011

I don't Mean to be Creepy....

Hi! It's Maggie and it is also my first blog post...
I am creeping on my sister's account!
Anyway, I decided to post this slightly embarrassing video of my dear sister!
As it may be embarrassing, it is quite enjoyable and I think she will laugh...So it's ok!
Have a great day
I know you will

last week.

so basically my sister makes sweet (haha) christmas cookies.
 the best cookie: HO³
 i also went here:
with him:
to see this:
he didn't make it until the first half was almost over but that's ok.
i had my dad! : )
(hi dad!)

hope you all are having a great weekend. 
it's almost Christmas!