

Mar 10, 2014

"the one"

people of our generation are becoming less & less infatuated with finding "the one." they're calling us the "hook up generation," which, coming from a college student, is extremely fair. i've seen myself that people crave the affection without the commitment, and then confuse themselves when they actually try to find a genuine relationship. i've watched people i know get married to the wrong person because they don't want to put in the work by finding someone who meets their standards.

I believe finding "the one" has very little to do with myself. Sure I have a mental checklist of the things i like & dislike in people, but at the end of the day, God created a man a long time ago for me that fills my every shortcoming. I may not even recognize how perfect he is for me for long time after i meet him.

i believe there is a person you're meant to be with, but they're someone you're going to have to fight for. i believe this person is someone who will be completely honest with you, and someone who will listen when you're completely honest with them. there will be no obsession in the relationship. there will be no walls. you will be one team, not with the world, not against the world, but for it.

Feb 16, 2014


choose wisely who you trust. the worldly man will follow selfish ambition. the people who flatter you are usually interested in your wallet. they're interested in taking your ideas, your passions, using you. they'll talk forever about themselves and then put words in your mouth, never fully listening, never fully understanding.

yes we're called to be transparent, but also wise. the wise man lives by convictions. the wise man follows god with his life, not another man. so do not be fooled by the fawning of the world. when you continue giving god the glory, you won't fall off of his path for your life.

Feb 12, 2014

importance of your spirit

"Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight." 1 Peter 3:3-4

God can use something as unspoken as your spirit as an influence on other people's lives. Being a christian doesn't mean outsmarting science. it doesn't mean overpowering evil and darkness by ourselves. it doesn't mean belonging to a special club "no one else understands." it means LOVE. doing everything we can to love on even the people who bother us most. it means OUTREACH. making an effort to win as many people for the kingdom as possible! it means DETERMINATION. trusting God can use something as simple as your spirit to change someone else's life.

Feb 11, 2014

introducing truth

what if the next time someone asked you "how are you?" you told them the truth? what if EVERYONE did that? We make (what could be) meaningful interactions into how quickly we can spit back "good!howareyou!" sometimes not even waiting for their response.
what are we hiding? why are we spending our entire lives putting everyone under the impression that we lead a flawless life?

and if someone you know happens to take this step before you, don't be taken aback by the fact that their day is better or worse than you expected. don't make it awkward, take advantage of the information they have given you. pray for them when you think of them! take steps to knowing people deeply.

be more t r a n s p a r e n t .

Jan 27, 2014


Why is everyone so afraid of the future? Don't you want to see results? Don't you want to be happy?
It's sad to me to watch people freak themselves out about what could happen. That's just it though, it could. It's imaginable, so therefore possible, therefore probable (in your mind). Even if something eternally scarring was "probable," even if it was likely, don't we all desire deep down to prove the world wrong? Don't you want to look back on your life and evaluate all the chances you took, the risks, and be so thankful for how it all turned out? So satisfied that you tried everything you could?

I do.

So go talk to that girl.
Quit your horrible job & find a better one.
Get out of your misery and start making an effort, because happiness sure as hell isn't going to pursue you.

Jan 16, 2014

waiting around

One of the biggest thing i believe christians often omit is that we still have to work for what we want. Being a christian isn't an "easy way out" by any means. Yes being a christian gives you something to trust in. Yes it gives you comfort & peace during trials & tribulation.

What we're forgetting is that those trials and tribulations almost always come BECAUSE we're christians.

In other words, we're not taking the path less travelled because it's easier. we do it for a million other reasons.

Christians still have to fight for their beliefs. We still have to face injustices and discriminations and failures like everyone else. Being sedentary is still fatal.

If you give your life to Jesus, give him control of everything and put all your trust in him, you don't get to just wait around for him to bless you or guide you for the rest of your life. If you wait and let things fall as they may, things will happen almost the same way as if you had never made that decision. I

If you wait for life to happen, it will never exceed mediocre. FIGHT for what you want. FIGHT to fulfill God's plan over your life. It's NOT going to be easy, in fact, it will literally be the HARDEST thing you will ever do. It will also be the most fulfilling, the most influential, and the most legendary.

Jan 11, 2014

trust and strength

Something I've noticed about people today is they want solutions without the work. They want answers without effort. They pretty much want someone to do all the hard stuff for them. This is a huge flaw in the way that we think.

The amount of strength that you obtain is equivalent to the amount of trust you have. Trust in yourself, trust in others, but if you want eternal strength, trust in God. This seems to be what people can't put together. Everyone wants to be strong & courageous. Talented & wealthy. Famous & needed. But they keep putting their trust in things that will fail. Material things that are temporal rather than eternal.

When you have a firm foundation such as this faith, you can start building things like strength, patience, love, peace, kindness, generosity, justice, and power on top of it with full knowledge that you won't fail.

This is kind of the biblical version of "if you believe you can, you will, and if you believe you can't, you won't." But now there's actually a belief in something other than yourself.

It's the moments that I remember God's plan is better than my own when I have the most strength. When the burden of life is lifted and I can focus on the needs of the people around me. That is why we're here, isn't it?