

Dec 2, 2013

challenge me

Opinionated people are always the most challenging to me, in the best way. When you dig your heels into the ground and make up your mind about your beliefs in life, you become less impressionable. These are the people that can actually maintain meaningful conversations. These are the people who want to know what you think, why you think it, and why it works or doesn't work. They're also not afraid to share their side.

The hard part about being a christian is that you have to be this way, but you also have to be open in order to understand the way other people think. You have to be loving as well. Being a closed off, hard-hearted christian is the last thing God wants. You can believe in him all you want but your life will never progress if you never share it. 

The more you share things that mean something to you, the easier it gets.

This is what being a "good & faithful servant" is all about. It's the difficult to talk about- nerve-wracking- deep in your heart stuff. Putting the most vulnerable version of yourself out on the table time & time again.

I've only met a few people in my life who are actually like this. People who don't run into their shells when confronted with something they don't agree with. We have to fight this fight like warriors in God's army. We have to declare truths in a world of falsities. We have to get worked up about things and remember that being loving is not always about "not hurting feelings." 

Love is about Truth.

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