

Jun 16, 2012

iphone story 13

{brother & sister}
{my boys waiting for me}

{chasing ice cream man}

check it out! Jesse & I made it into my yearbook! #prom2011


Jun 10, 2012

g r a d u a t i o n !

yesterday i finally graduated from high school!
 after 4 long years i never thought this day would come.
coming from the girl who hated high school, i did develop new friendships this year
that i will dearly miss when fall comes.

but until then..


Jun 4, 2012

way past my bedtime

i was supposed to be done with high school today..
my last assignment was a group project in which we had to form
a group & make a movie about dracula...
it was done but for some reason the burning/exporting stage has taken all day.
we're talking MAJOR technical difficulties here people.

so this is what i did in the 25-50 minute intervals in which i tried time & time again to
export this stupid movie.
it is currently 1:26 am & i am on take #6 i think. : (

someone help me!